Our goal is that each year 10 % of the Petroleum Fund’s return is set aside for a Climate Fund.
In today’s troubled world, we suggest creating a Global Solutions Center
A comprehensive, dynamic, and impactful Global Solutions Center does not exist today.
The aim is to scan for, map, connect, and communicate what works worldwide.
We have created a new website and a free book.
(External link)
Norway’s enormous wealth is partly based on oil and gas, which has contributed to global warming with major consequences.
We are an organization that believes Norway has responsibility for climate change that has mostly affected poor countries.
10 % to a Climate Fund
We will work to ensure that every year 10 % of the Oil Fund’s return is set aside to a Climate Fund.
Climate change is upon us, and the Government Pension Fund (the Norwegian Oil Fund) has grown tremendously and almost reached NOK 20,000 billion (not millions) at the beginning of 2025. In other words, Norway is extremely rich.
In recent years, climate change and environmental problems have escalated, with significant costs to people and nature worldwide. Our oil and gas have contributed to this, and Norway, therefore, has a responsibility to correct it.
This climate fund will have an international focus on long-term and preventative measures. Countries that have no special funds or expertise should receive extra help.
The fund will also support innovations, ideas, research and otherwise what can contribute to realignment. Furthermore, it is envisaged that the Fund may distribute awards and establish Climate Centers in Norway and aboad and a big Global Solution Center.
This should have been done a long time ago!
This is the only right thing to do!
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